My Son Tressel

Monday, September 13, 2010

Topsiders and Black Socks

Before I end my first day as a blogger I have to poke fun at my hubby just a bit....I have been nice to him all day.  WHY do men think this look is appropriate!!!!!

I do enjoy a nice boat shoe....and not to mention a nice pair of black socks to top off a man in a suit.  HOWEVER I simply do not understand why men think it is OK to combine the two.  Never a good look!!

Sorry Hubby but I had to get it off my chest...Love you!

P.S. - Hi Grady.


  1. you need to participate in this:

  2. I agree that top siders or loafers look much sexier with bare feet when us boys wear shorts, it also feels nicer in summer. But isn't the black ankle sock a decent compromise? Sometimes I need to wear socks, when my feet feel cold or when seldom the don't dry well no matter what :).
    Would you prefer white socks?
    The black ones are the only ones i feel i could wear without embarrasment when I need. To me it looks ok, given -sure- sockless looks better I agree. ;)
